Week 3 2/22 – 2/28

This week I started working on my technical description for class. I chose to talk about the wind tunnel. what it is you may ask? Basically, a big machine that blows is to a test subject. That could be a car, plane, even a structure. It is used to measure aerodynamics. Basically how air interacts with the object. Fun fact: some of the buildings in NYC are able to move. They do this to avoid tipping over. This was used also used to help buildings deal with the hurricanes’ high-speed winds.

I chose this mostly since motorsports use the machine. They use it to shape their cars in order for their car to stick to the ground and be able to fly through the track at high speeds. Each team either has its own facility or uses another team tunnel for a price of course.

After I wrote my draft it seemed not well done but hey, it is just an outline. But I can say the same for my draft. It is filled with a lot of writing I feel as though I need to cut down on some o fly paragraphs since I wrote a lot. especially for my historical background of the wind tunnel. I tried to put as much of the information needed to understand how we got to the wind tunnel. Hopefully, my peers can spot a piece of information or a few that doesn’t need to go there.

That will be for next week. Peer review and the final draft I will let you know how they turn out in the next journal!