Week 2 2/15 – 2/21

Welcome back to week 2 of my journal series. this week was short since Monday was an off-day but I rather have no school. Not saying I don’t like school but sometimes it can be overwhelming. This week wasn’t one of those weeks thankfully. My classes were pretty easy and gave us easy work to do.

For this writing class, I was tasked to find a mechanism I would like to talk about for the upcoming writing assignment. I had some trouble picking it out. I gave it some thought to keep it in the racing field since that is where I am mostly interested in and after I had a very helpful conversation with my professor. I’ve decided to talk about the wind tunnel. Mainly used for formula 1 to help them shape their cars. It is a very important piece of equipment used by teams to figure out how they want to build their car for the next season.

For the 2022 season the FIA which is the racing administration for Formula 1 and other motorsports, they’ve decided to change the look of the cars. Nothing new in that. If you go back in history there have been very cool to very interesting Formula 1 cars. To having 6 wheels, to having a big fan in the back which I didn’t understand but teams were still trying to figure out how to fully optimize their cars. Going into this writing I am confident since I can use some of my peers’ interests to help them understand the use of the wind tunnel and how Formula 1 wants to run more green. Go green! Since this world is just not as healthy but hey we landed on Mars but that’ll soon be like the earth.

Anyways have a good one and see you soon!